Derby Sales Manager Attends Modex Expo
In February, Fred Koeck, the sales manager for Derby Supply Chain Solutions attended the inaugural MODEX Expo, a trade show for the supply chain, manufacturing, and distribution industries. The event took place in Atlanta’s Georgia World Congress Center, and was sponsored by the Material Handling Industry of America. The event featured more than 500 exhibits, 3 keynote speakers, and an abundance of educational opportunities.
The expo showcased the latest equipment and systems available to the industry, as well as keynote speakers and educational seminars that focused on topics including material handling, manufacturing, assembly, and distribution. Educational seminars provided valuable insights, such as best practices, equipment and technology solutions, and leading industry trends.
Fred Koeck was impressed with the debut expo and stated, “The MODEX expo was very informative. I gained new perspectives and learned about the latest technology available in the industry. I am glad I was able to attend Modex, and share what I learned with our team.”